SunshineASAKU® 陽光艾薩克
SunshineASAKU®是由創作者劉明昆老師於1989年創作The Legend Of ASAKU®所改編的兒童校園作品、藉由原作完整的世界觀與劇情架構、讓SunshineASAKU®有豐富素材資源的基礎。
奇幻的架空世界由人間、精靈、妖精、幻獸、夢境、天神、鏡界七大國度所組成。主角ASAKU是精靈學園的學生、這一次他將與同學們以魔法還有智慧來面對精靈校長所提出 [ 尋找七屬性感動 ]的試煉考驗、並且還要準備迎接每年一度的Matrix battle [ 鬥魔方陣 ]大賽。
Matrix battle [ 鬥魔方陣 ]在The Legend Of ASAKU®是一個大型戰爭的戰鬥方法、SunshineASAKU®裡則變成卡牌對決競賽、藉由卡牌與真實幻獸的結合、導入Square[ 陣型 ]中進行2~8人的比賽、在SunshineASAKU®世界裡是每個人都會玩上手的遊戲。
SunshineASAKU®的角色都有其代表精神、比如ASAKU的[ 冒險 ]、Salu的[ 運動 ]、Jiefulo的[ 音樂 ]、Difu的[ 學習 ]、Carbon的[ 烹調 ]、Ellia的[ 飼養 ]、Ifojet的[ 美學 ]、Sana的[ 舞蹈 ]等等。
SunshineASAKU®是一部探險七大界的大長篇作品、故事初期以精靈校園的各種學習與探險生活、但其中Matrix battle[ 鬥魔方陣 ]大賽將會是故事主軸的重點、為了得到更強的百獸之心、主角們要踏上冒險尋找更強大的魔獸、後續則會發現Matrix battle[ 鬥魔方陣 ]大賽已經不再是單純的競技比賽、而是一個重大的陰謀、將推翻女神的規範造成真實世界的危險、隨著加入的元素越多、事件影響的範圍就會越大、最後會一起面對必須全種族團結才能解決的困難。
Fluffy[ 狐小子 ]是來自天神界的魔幻繪師、有著將圖像幻化成真的力量、因緣際會下以寵物身份成為ASAKU家庭一員、跟著ASAKU一起進行冒險旅程、但不一定會幫助ASAKU、有時還會反過來教訓ASAKU、非常任性的角色。
SunshineASAKU®的故事會與The Legend Of ASAKU相互連結、在特別的章節裡、將會出現兩版本的角色跨越時空的冒險、藉由外傳的SunshineASAKU®帶出The Legend Of ASAKU®的超大型魔法戰爭冒險故事。
SunshineASAKU® is created in memory of the 30th anniversary of the series of the Legend of ASAKU®.
The magic world is made of seven continents: the continent of humans, the continent of fairies, the continent of phantoms, the continent of elves, the continent of dreams, the continent of gods, and the continent of mirror. The protagonist is ASAKU, who is a student in the fairies’ campus. This time, together with his classmates, ASAKU has to pass the Test of Seven Attributes by the fairies’ principal with magic and wisdom. Meanwhile, he also has to prepare for the annual Matrix Battle.
Humans are for mechanism and technology, fairies are for nature, phantoms are for the beasts, dreams are for fantasy, gods are for mythology and believes, mirrors are for reflection of one’s own. SunshineASAKU® takes place in a world built on these seven continents and the story is developed based on the individual feature of every continent.
This is a masterpiece of adventure in the seven continents. At first, the story begins on the learning and adventures in the fairies’ campus, focusing on the Matrix Battle. In order to gain the even more powerful Heart of the Beasts, the main characters set off to look for a more potent phantom. Soon, they will find out the Matrix Battle is no longer just a simple competition. Rather, it has become a grave conspiracy which shall overthrow the Goddess’ rule and cause danger to the real world. The more factors are involved, the greater impact it poses. In the end, all races have to work together and face the predicament to come up with a solution. The protagonist of the story, ASAKU, is a reckless troublemaker who never knows what failure is. Ellia is the younger sister of ASAKU, and she is caring and a pet-lover. Difu is a super nerd who is too logical in an unreasonable way. Carbon is a great cook and an excellent smith, but somehow people tend to overlook him even though he is quite chubby. The fairy princess, Jiefulo, loves singing and has a tough personality; besides, she is quite spoiled and pampered. Salu is always full of energy. On the first impression, Salu may appear aggressive but he actually has a caring heart to others. Every character in SunshineASAKU® has a unique personality and a significant meaning.
Fluffy is the magic painter who can transform his painting into reality. Through serendipity, Fluffy joins ASAKU’s family as his pet and goes on adventure with him. Even as a pet, Fluffy doesn’t always help ASAKU; on the other hand, he might even teach ASAKU a lesson.
Sky is a phantom saved by ASAKU during one of his adventures. To repay ASAKU for his kindness, Sky has become ASAKU’s first guardian phantom of Heart of Beasts.
The story of SunshineASAKU® is intertwined with that of the Legend of ASAKU®. In certain chapters, characters from both versions will adventure together, regardless of the limit of time and space, SunshineASAKU® is like the anecdote of the Legend of ASAKU® which tells the great adventure story of a huge magic war, expanding the story’s influence and lifespan.
Lessons learning + skill competition + adventure and puzzle in children’s play – SunshineASAKU®